Monday, February 28, 2011

Educate, Educate, Educate!

Educate, Educate, Educate! This cheer has been in my heart and my mind for many years. I went to college to learn how to be an educator. I have an incredible passion for educating others and being educated myself!

In December 2009, I was released from my position as a teacher because of health reasons, I felt my life as an educator was finished. I was devastated, at first, realizing that I may never be able to be in a classroom again. The last ten years of teaching definitely had there up's and down's but I can honestly say I wouldn't have it any other way. However, all my dreams and aspirations of teaching generations of students was soon evaporating in my mind.

I began to ask serious questions of why did this have to happen to me, can I truly live out my purpose if I am not teaching children,?etc. Of course, now I know that this is not the truth. God has had big plans for my life for long before I was formed in my mother's womb.

In 2004, at a Youth Retreat the Lord began to reveal a taste of the plan's he had for me now and in the future. After the altar call for our teenager's I felt a strong urgency to get on my knees. The Holy Spirit began to speak to me in my heart and mind about his calling for me to pastor's wives and women. He showed me a vision of myself in front of hundred's of women bringing encouragement and preaching the word to them. He told me that I was going to help Him show women how to take off their mask's /veil's and reflect Him. At the time I was overwhelmed and wondering how this was all going to happen. My husband and I were serving as Youth Pastor's at the time. We loved pouring into students and seeing their lives transformed by the word of God being sewn into their heart's.

Also, at this time I had an amazing job teaching Kindergartner's and I loved it! I saw myself as being GREAT with kid's but adults, especially women, scared me to death. I could not see myself as a motivational speaker to women. This was not in MY plan for my life.

Throughout this last year the Lord has really shown me that my career is not over! He has been showing me that my life as an educator has only just begun. I realize now that I had put God's plan in a box to fit my unperfect plan. I am so grateful that he loves us way outside of the box that we try to put Him in! He dreams much bigger dreams for us. We just have to be willing let Him paint the picture for us to follow and then take the painting and apply it in our life.

So, my life as an educator and lifelong learner is just beginning. I feel God is stirring something in me right now to educate, educate, educate women around me to live beyond the veil. So ladies, I am educating myself and seeking His direction for this next step for my life. Ladies I encourage you to continue to educate yourself daily with the word of God. Make sure that you are seeking His plan for your life. He has only just begun His work in you. Be willing to let Him shake stuff up in you to be all that you can be for Him! Be Blessed and BE a Blessing!

P.S. Ladies of DAG... Get ready, because I am stirred up to Educate, Educate, Educate!

1 comment:

  1. I so wish I was closer to y'all! I know what you have done for me....and still do! I love you Pastor Tami and I am praying for you and Pastor Gabe!!!
