Friday, February 25, 2011


This evening as I was climbing out of Josiah's race car bed I took a minute to gaze at his precious, little, sleeping face! The red light from his Lightning McQueen lamp was illuminating his sweet face. His eyelashes looked like they extended half way down his cheeks because of the shadows that the light was casting. His lips were pursed as if he was in deep thought. His little fingers were holding tightly to his brand new Thomas the Train toothbrush that he got at Wal-mart today!
I kind of laughed inside as I began to walk out of his room. I then began to think about how every night he chooses something to hold tightly to as he goes to sleep. I might think his things are so insignificant, but to the Si-Guy they are precious. One night, it is all of his trains, when he was about 2 I can remember him sleeping with a dinosaur card he received from his Aunt Tracey. The many things that he has slept with have been cute, funny, sweet and very sentimental to my precious boy. Golf clubs, dinosaurs, shoes, books, Blue, cars, rainbow colored bear, cereal bowl, etc are just to name a few.

We may think that these things are not important enough to sleep with, but to him they are his livelihood. He really thinks that if he doesn't take it to bed with him he might not have it in the morning. Of course, I know that they will be waiting for him in his bed every morning. It has become tradition for him that the thing that he is gone to sleep with one night is the 1st thing he looks for in the morning.

As I walked out his room tonight, I felt strongly that the word precious was laid on my heart to share tonight. Webster's Dictionary defines PRECIOUS as:

Precious:(adj)(high price or great value; very valuable or costly: precious
metals. Highly esteemed for some spiritual, non-material, or moral quality:
precious memories. (noun)Dear; beloved: a precious child. A dearly beloved person; darling.

As I read the definition of precious, I couldn't help but think of my precious little one sleeping soundly in his room. He is my precious boy that has great value in my eyes. He is more precious than any metal or memory that I have in my past. He is my now but he is my future. He is my dear one, my precious child, my darling. He is my miracle baby that I was told that I would never have. I esteem Josiah very high in my eyes.
However, as I think of my precious husband I see how he fits the exact definition of precious to me also. He is my beloved and one that I highly esteem. Of course, the list can go on and on of my family and friends that I consider precious in my life.
Then I began to think about those "things" that I have that I hold precious... such as my wedding ring, my many bibles that have been given to me, pictures, anointing oil bottle, blankets made by my grandma, hankerchiefs from my great grandmother, the vanity in my room, my journal and so many more "things" that I could name off that are precious to me.
I can't help but think about what our Father says about us...

*Psalm 19:10
They are more precious than gold, than much pure gold; they are sweeter than honey, than honey from the honeycomb

*Proverbs 3:15
She is more precious than rubies;
nothing you desire can compare with her.

*Proverbs 8:11

for wisdom is more precious than rubies, and nothing you desire can compare with her.

Our Father compares us to the most precious stones that we have on this earth. He tells us that none of these can compare with us! He tells us that we are sweeter than honey! He looks upon us as his most precious, prized possessions. These "things" that we have on this earth cannot compare to the precious future that he has in store for us. He watches us everyday and takes note of those things that are most precious to us. He cares for us that much! You are truly precious in His sight! He holds us tightly when we are going through the toughest trial in our life. He rejoices with us when we rejoice. He mourns with us when we grieve. He delights in us. We are HIS precious!

Be encouraged tonight that you are precious in His eyes even in the midst of your sorrow, grief, anger, joy, etc.

...And my precious still holds his Thomas toothbrush tightly as I close... His precious...atleast for tonight!


  1. This is really good stuf my precious friend. I love you

  2. Pastor Tami ~ You will never know how I needed to read this tonight. At my "Getting Past Your Past" bible study this evening we talked about shame and I had to really realize that I have been living in shame for most of my life. I need to release that and KNOW that Father does think of me as Precious and that I am WORTH something to him! Thank you for posting and please be encourage to continue to do so!!! I am going to start up my blog again too and share what I am learning thru this awesome study! I love you more than words can express and I praise our Father for allowing you to be apart of my life!~

  3. Pastor Tami ~ Thank you for posting this tonight. I needed to read this! I was at my "Getting Past Your Past" bible study tonight, and it was on shame. I realized that I had been living most of my life in this way. It is so sad when a child's innocence is taken away and they have to grow up so soon.... living in shame. I realized this evening as well that I have to always remember that our Father thinks I am precious!!! He considers me of WORTH and that I am LOVED by Him!! Please keep blogging.... I so enjoy them and I am really wanting to begin mine again to report my progress through this journey I am on about my past. Words can't explain how much I love and respect you Tami!!! I praise our Father for allowing you to be in my life and for the inspiration you are! Be blessed my sweet friend.... for God is using you in a mighty way!

  4. Thank you all for your encouraging words! DIVA I will keep writing... I know that is what I am supposed to be doing right now. I am glad that what I wrote was used to encouraged you in your walk with the Lord. Be Blessed and be a blessing!YOU are PRECIOUS girl!
